If you’re on this page, give yourself a pat on the back – you deserve it!

The only way to view this page is if you’ve submitted a Membership Application and that application after being carefully vetted by our Leadership Team was deemed worthy of membership into our elite community of SuperConnectors.

We operate on a pure pricing model. You pay one price – $670 ($55/month paid annually) for a yearly membership or $195/quarter (billed every 3 months) for a quarterly membership and it includes everything.

This fee gives you access to all events of the chapter you join – daytime and evening mixers as well as special events from our network of strategic partners.

Please read our FAQs/T&C to familiarize yourself with our policies & protocols, since making a payment is an acceptance and acknowledgment of them all.

Here are some reasons stated by our Members prior to joining our elite Community:

  1. I’m a SuperConnector and, I want to network with other SuperConnectors
  2. I absolutely love the energy of the room,  the overall chill and relaxed vibe of a typical dynamite event
  3. I love the quality of the people in the room
  4. I love that Dynamite goes above and beyond to make introductions and facilitate 1:1 meetings with members & guests – During and After the meeting, which I have not seen in any other Business Networking Group 
  5. I appreciate that Business Matchmaking services could cost me as much as $1000-$2000 per Introduction. Dynamite Membership is honestly a steal at this price since I’m benefiting from SO Much Value
  6. I love participating in Dynamite’s East Coast and West Coast Business Networking Groups, Mastermind Groups, and SpotLight Speaker Sessions. 
  7. I Love being the Only One who does what I do in the room. No competition or conflict with existing members or guests/visitors