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What is Dynamite’s Purpose?

To Ignite Authentic Human Connection. 

Our Founder noticed that most networking experiences are very blah, so he wanted to create an immersive, rich experience that wasn’t blah. We want to get to know the Real You. It’s that You that we want to connect with. Once we do, we’re delighted to share referrals to help you grow your business.

What’s a SuperConnector?

A SuperConnector is an awesome human being who has a massive network of 5,000 to 10,000+ professionals, who, on a moment’s notice (in real-time) can join the dots in any conversation and suggest quality people for you to link with to help you meet your objectives. 

Why do I need a SuperConnector in my Life? 

A SuperConnector gives you:

  • Quality Referrals
  • Education in their Area of Expertise 
  • Access to their Network 

Why Serious Professionals Join the elite Dynamite Community?

  1. They’re Superconnectors and want to network with other Superconnectors
  2. They love the energy of the room, and the overall chill & relaxed vibe
  3. They love the quality of the people in the room
  4. Dynamite is Hyper-Focused on Exploding your business through introductions to people inside and outside the room as well as sending out Minutes of the Meeting Summaries to help people connect and also make referrals based on the reminders sent. No other group has this level of focus & dedication
  5. Ongoing Matchmaking services – which other groups charge $1500-$2000 per Introduction – so you’re already ahead of the curve with our 2020 pricing – $670 – available for a limited time

What to Expect?

Meeting Agenda:

  • 9.55-10.03am: Log into Zoom
  • 10.05 – Meeting Starts with Welcome Address from our President Lynn Donaldson & introducing our Leaders
  • 10:10: Introductions → Group Photo
  • Referrals + Testimonials  → Open Networking till 11.30am

What to Expect?

House Rules: 


  • Weekly Meetings – Tuesdays 10AM while alternating between Networking Meetings and Mastermind Groups each week
  • Day Meetings have Industry seat exclusivity which prevents guests from entering the meeting who conflict or overlap with a sitting dynamite member


  • Dynamite Members may invite guests who conflict with them at their discretion if they have a Joint Venture (JV) or some other association with that guest. 
  • Dynamite Members WILL NOT invite guests who conflict with another member
  • No talking during introductions as we want everyone to give the speaker, the respect of their Full Attention
  • All participants are invited to copy-paste their key details as a single text block into the Zoom Chat at the beginning of the meeting.
  • Meeting summary is posted on the Dynamite Website within 48-72 hours of the meeting ending.
  • Whitelist dynamitenetworking@gmail.com – as calendar invites are sent from this email as well. Check spam folder in case it lands there.
  • Guests can attend THREE meetings before deciding to either submit a membership application or walk away. Guests are welcome to join our evening mixers. 
  • None of our Eventbrite links will EVER be posted publicly on Social Media & we expect our members and guests to do the same
  • Commitment to Excellence:  Please take a minute to fill out our Satisfaction Survey. This helps us exceed your future expectations. Thanks in advance 🙏💙

Honor Code:

  • A dynamite member may occupy only 1 seat and 1 role at a time and represent that role only in the meeting as well as outside the meeting with people they met at a dynamite meeting. This maintains the integrity of our commitment to sticking to 1 discipline for the dynamite context.
  • it is expected that dynamite members and guests will conduct themselves professionally during a dynamite meeting as well as outside of a dynamite meeting. Rude behavior inside or outside of a dynamite meeting is not tolerated and is grounds for immediate dismissal and termination of membership if continued after warnings.
  • No discussion related to the topics of Sex, Politics & Religion is permitted. Doing so is in violation of our terms and is grounds for immediate removal from a meeting and termination of membership if continued after warnings.
  • If a Dynamite Member is unable to attend a meeting it is expected that they inform someone in the leadership about their absence and/or send a Sub (substitute) who will participate on their behalf.
  • Extended absences without the courtesy of a headsup is also grounds for having the seat be put on review which could lead to termination of membership if the member continues to remain absent.

The Professionals we’re actively seeking for our East Coast & West Coast Chapters:

  • Realtors
  • Attorneys:
    • Criminal Defense
    • Divorce & Family Law
    • Elder Law
    • Corporate & Litigation
    • Real Estate
    • Personal Injury
  • Health & Wellness Pros:
    • Personal Trainers
    • Yoga Instructors
    • Massage Therapists
    • Dentist
    • Plastic Surgeon
    • Nutritionist
  • Credit Card Processing
  • Working Capital Services, Loans/Merchant Cash Advance services
  • Photographer
  • Video Production
  • CyberSecurity & Managed IT Services
  • Publicist & PR pros
  • Graphic Designers & Printers
  • Coaches:
    • Business
    • Communication & Public Speaking
    • Sales

What’s your refund policy?

No refunds.

However, If customer contacted event organizer in writing 4 days before event date, event organizer may comp or choose to work with customer using their discretion.

Can I Cancel My Membership?

Customer can cancel their membership at any time in writing, but, will not receive a refund on account of our No Refund Policy.

As soon as customer cancels their membership, their seat in the group is unlocked and open for another professional to assume.

Do you have customer service?

Of course! Shoot us an email on dynamitenetworking@gmail.com – expect a response in 12-24 hours. Our business hours of operation are Monday to Friday – 10am – 3pm EST.